Only people who feel positive and are open-minded can drive the transformation of society. We need to reinvent ourselves, our businesses, the way we lead people and create the environment they work in, so that everyone can be their best selves and contribute to a better world for all. Every second of every day, things change, even us. Our past should be honoured and, as Confucius said, we should explore and understand it, but then deduce from it new ways of doing that reflect the changes in the world.

That is called reinvention. It requires hard work and walking the path less trodden, but there are tools that could be used to support you on the journey.

The hosts were Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva - Chief Reinvention Officer, Founder of the Reinvention Academy and global movement and Dr. Saša Bavec Director and co-founder of Living With a Green Heart Foundadtion.

Nadya helps companies and their leaders turn disruption into opportunity. Her mission is simple: To provide one billion people with strong resilience and reinvention skills so that we can all ride the waves of change, rather than get crushed by them.

Saša believes people cannot be pushed and forced to give their creativity and smartness every morning when they come to work. It is their decision and they are ready to give "themselves at their best” to the company only when they feel well.
There were more than 200 participants (live and on-line) at the event who were very interactive.
You are kindly invited to watch short video and some photos from the event.
